
For information about the properties of clothing and armor, see the armor page.

All Clothing

Full Name Shop Price Crafting Price Fence Value† Net Profit Notes
Anti-Fire Bunker Gear - $500 $75 -$425 Protects from fire damage, such as when using molotov
Army Body Armor - $2000 $250 -$1750
Army Uniform - $40 $80 $40 ^
Black Catsuit - $150 $50 -$100
Black Dress $500, Dept. $60 $110 $50 ^
Black Robe $200, Oubl. $20 $40 $20 ^
Black Suit $500, Dept. $60 $110 $50 ^
Black Turtleneck $50, Dept. $15 $20 $5 ^
Body Armor - $500 $75 -$425
Bondage Gear $350, Oubl. $30 $60 $30 ^
Cheap Dress $400, Dept. $20 $40 $20 ^
Cheap Suit $400, Dept. $20 $40 $20 ^
Clothes - $10 $20 $10 ^
Clown Suit $200, Oubl. $20 $40 $20 ^
Dark Leather Armor $800, Oubl. $300 $100 -$200
Death Squad Uniform - $40 $80 $40 Can only craft if Police C+ and Death Penalty C+
Donkey Suit $1000, Oubl. $300 $50 -$250
Elephant Suit $1000, Oubl. $300 $50 -$250
Expensive Dress $5000, Dept. $200 $350 $150 ^ Highest professionalism value (donations); Highest profit (vending)
Expensive Suit $5000, Dept. $200 $350 $150 ^ Highest professionalism value (donations); Highest profit (vending)
Guard Uniform - $40 $80 $40 ^
Heavy Ceramic Armor - $5000 $400 -$4600 Strongest armor in the game; craftable
Lab Coat $200, Oubl. $20 $40 $20 ^
Mithril Mail $1000, Oubl. - $50 Special uncraftable armor; worse than normal clothes in every aspect
Naked - - - - Technically not clothing, but included for completeness
Ninja Costume - $200 $75 -$125 Tied with SEAL uniform for highest stealth bonus
Orange Jumpsuit - $20 $40 $20 ^
Overalls - $10 $20 $10 ^
Police Body Armor - $1000 $150 -$850
Police Uniform - $40 $80 $40 ^
SEAL Stealth Uniform - $3000 $300 -$2700 Tied with Ninja Costume for highest stealth bonus; acts as body armor too
Security Uniform - $40 $80 $40 ^
Servant Uniform - $20 $40 $20 ^
Tactical SWAT Armor - $2000 $200 -$1800
Toga $90, Oubl. $5 $10 $5 ^
Trenchcoat $70, Oubl. $20 $40 $20 ^
Wife Beater - $5 $4 -$1 -

^ - This item is profitable when crafted and sold.
† - Fence price applies regardless of crafting quality (i.e. [2], [3], and [4] have no negative affect on sale price or profit), but the items must not be [B]loody or [D]amaged. This means that even mediocre tailors can potentially be taken advantage of for the larger profit margins on certain difficult items (Black Suit, Expensive Suit).

Armor Ratings

Full Name Body Prot. Head Prot. Arms Prot. Fire Prot.
Anti-Fire Bunker Gear 2 2 2 Yes
Army Body Armor 8 6
Body Armor 5
Dark Leather Armor 3 2
Heavy Ceramic Armor 10 8 4
Mithril Mail
Police Body Armor 7
SEAL Stealth Suit 8 6
Tactical SWAT Armor 7 5 2

This page refers to version: 4.07.0

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